Removal from the family home due to abuse or neglect is an adverse childhood experience which may impact the child's cognitive, physical, and emotional development for the rest of the child's life.
Children in foster care are far more likely than all other children to have serious medical problems, developmental delays, and emotional difficulties.
Nearly 80%are prenatally exposed to substance abuse, and 40% are born low birthweight and/or premature. The vast majority suffer from serious, chronic medical conditions; more than half experience developmental delays; and between 35%-50% have significant emotional and behavioral health problems.
Recent advances in developmental science are revealing how significant adversity in childhood alters both the way the genome is read and the developing brain is wired. In this way, early childhood trauma is biologically embedded, influencing learning, behavior and health for decades to come.
CASA volunteers are often the only positive and consistent role model in a child's life.
Our goal at CASA of Marion County is to break the cycle of trauma.
Strengthening Core Advocacy: Centering Well-Being and Belonging for Children and Parents.
This five-part module training presented by Texas CASA covers the steps to understand and advocate for children and youth who experience a variety of obstacles because of their ethnicity, gender identity, disability status and more.
Domestic Violence and Foster Care Training Videos
Countless children enter foster care due to allegations of domestic violence in the home. Often, these allegations result in a finding of neglect for failure to protect. Yet removing children from their homes and placing them in foster care for an isolated allegation of domestic violence can result in further trauma for both the DV survivor and the children, and result in other harms, particularly in diverse communities of color.
This summit explores the gaps in policy, practice, training, data collection and cultural competency where domestic violence and foster care merge, and proposes thoughtful solutions appropriate for a nationwide audience.
Article by the American Academy of Pediatrics on how to identify trauma by its symptoms, the impact of trauma on children's brain development, and more.
Article from New York’s Permanent Judicial Commission on Justice for Children regarding well-being checklists, causes of trauma, and more.
Wellbeing Checklist for Infants in Care
1. What are the medical needs of this infant?
2. What are the developmental needs of this infant?
3. What are the attachment and emotional health needs of this infant?
4. What challenges does this caregiver face that could impact his or her capacity to parent this infant?
5. What resources are available to enhance this infant’s healthy development and prospects for permanency?
Wellbeing Checklist for Children in Care
1. Do you have safety concerns about the current placement?
2. Are the child’s immunizations up-to-date?
3. Has the child received hearing and vision screening?
4. Has the child received screening for lead exposure?
5. Has the child received regular dental services?
6. Has the child received screening for communicable diseases?
7. Has the child received a developmental screening by a provider with experience in child development?
8. Has the child received mental health screening?
9. Is the child enrolled in an early childhood program?
10. Has the adolescent child received information about healthy development?
11. Is the child current on annual well-child visits and biannual dental appointments?
12. Did the mental health evaluation produce a diagnosis and/or treatment recommendation? If so, are they being followed up on adequately?
13. Has the child been prescribed medications? If so, which ones and what steps are being taken to ensure that medication is being taken as prescribed?
14. Have you contacted the child's healthcare provider and/or counselor?
15. What is the child's ACE score (Adverse Childhood Experiences)?
16. Has the child received a comprehensive health assessment since entering foster care?
Sexual Violence
An Oregon and Washington study determined that almost one-third of foster children reported abuse by a foster parent or another adult in the home.
Article: Sex Abuse and the Foster Care System
Prevention Resources: List of prevention resources for sexual abuse, sexting, bullying, and more
iRespectandProtect.com: Website dedicated to helping children, youth, and adults recognize their self-worth and the influence of mobile devices and social media on their lives. https://irespectandprotect.com/
Resources for immediate help:
Marion County Youth and Family Crisis Services 503-576-4673
Center for Hope and Safety: 24-hour crisis and support hotline, and referrals to other services, Emergency shelter, Support groups, Legal advocacy, Services for children and youth, Prevention education, Confidential advocacy, safety planning, and referrals to other services
Canyon Crisis and Resource Center: 24-hour crisis and support hotline, and referrals to other services, Support groups, Legal advocacy, Services for children and youth, Prevention education, Counseling and therapy services, Confidential advocacy, Safety planning, and referrals to other services
Drug and Alcohol Addiction Support Groups for Youth & Adults
There are hundreds of support groups full of compassionate members around the United States for you to consider. People who live in rural areas or prefer to not leave home to get help from peers have the option of joining many online communities that will be happy to welcome you as a member. There are general groups for any kind of addiction, for specific substance recoveries, for people who are religious or non-religious, and more, so no matter your circumstances and background, there is a community waiting to help you live a happy, healthy, sober life.
Suicide Prevention
An Oregon and Washington study determined that almost one-third of foster children reported abuse by a foster parent or another adult in the home.
Written Materials
Substance Use
According to Oregon DHS, substance abuse by the caregivers is the number one cause of removal of Oregon children from the home. We must protect our kids from substance use.
It's Not Your Fault (Article)
Assures teens with parents who abuse alcohol or drugs that, "It's not your fault!" and that they are not alone. Encourages teens to seek emotional support from other adults, school counselors, and youth support groups such as Alateen, and provides a resource list.
SAMHSA’s National Helpline, 1-800-662-HELP (4357) (also known as the Treatment Referral Routing Service), or TTY: 1-800-487-4889 is a confidential, free, 24-hour-a-day, 365-day-a-year, information service, in English and Spanish, for individuals and family members facing mental and/or substance use disorders. This service provides referrals to local treatment facilities, support groups, and community-based organizations. Also visit the online treatment locator, or send your zip code via text message: 435748 (HELP4U) to find help near you.
Parent's Guide to Fentanyl: This comprehensive guide equips parents with valuable information, including tips, warning signs, and helpful videos/articles. It empowers parents to protect their children from the dangers of fentanyl and make informed decisions regarding substance use.
Protecting Children From Online Drug Dealers: In the digital age, online drug dealing poses a significant threat. Our resource provides essential tools to safeguard children, including the "Emoji code" to identify online drug dealing, insights into the dark web, and online safety measures.