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     "I volunteered as a CASA hoping even for small victories for our foster care kids.  Small victories are what we often get, but that is what gives us our energy to keep going.  I realized I might only play a small part of a larger team all working to improve foster care childrens' lives.  Bring your heart, patience and compassionate nature, but leave your ego behind.  Change can be slower than what CASAs anticipate, but it is almost always documentable. What a joy it is to finally see a wide smile lighting up the face of a child previously conveying confusion and hopelessness!  I love being a part of Marion County's CASA team.” - LM

     "Being a CASA means that my kiddos have someone who cheers for them no matter where they are and no matter how difficult their situation might be.  The payoff comes in knowing that I am providing the type of committed, responsive, appropriate support that just might make the difference between a child being ‘lost’ in the system, and a child who will have a healthy fulfilling life.” - JS

     "CASA is a very powerful position that can be used to make a huge difference in the life of a child. With the court orders we're provided we have access to school and health information that is essential for the children in our cases. Utilizing this information, one can ensure your CASA children are receiving the services that they are eligible for, and deserve. Sometimes the most powerful ‘tool’ a CASA has is simply showing that they care and consistently being involved for the best interests of the child. I have been a CASA assigned a case since May of 2009. I've had an extremely positive experience and was lucky to be assigned children that are a great match for my/their personality. I have always felt I had the support of my CASA supervisors which I believe has been essential to the ‘success’ I've experienced with my case. I have found the CASA organization to be well respected and a rewarding experience.” - SH

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CASA of Marion County

454 17th Street NE Salem OR 97301

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